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Seven Homeless Mammoths Wander New England Theater Wit "superb lighting by Scott Pillsbury takes you to each locale with smooth transitions."  John Boss, Chicago Stage Standard.



Seven Homeless Mammoths Wander New England Theater Wit  "Scott Pillsbury’s lighting effects suggest an eternity that endures."  Lisa Buscani, New City Stage.



Corpus Delecti Mad Kap Productions  "Atmospherically lit by Scott Pillsbury. This is the finest scenic and lighting design ever to grace the Greenhouse Upstairs Studio space" Colin Douglas, Chicago Theater Review.



Lydia National Pastime Theatre  "Scott Pillsbury's lighting design provides a focus that the set does not, and effectively supports shifts in time and mood thoughout the play." Kerstin Broockmann, Chicago Stage Standard.



Seek and Ye Shall Find Mortor Theater  "The spot-on work of lighting and sound designer Scott Pillsbury is also an invaluable aid" Scott C. Morgan, Windy City Times.



North Plan Theater Wit  "Scott Pillsbury's lighting adds a great touch" Alan Bresloff, Around The Town Chicago.



Night and Her Stars The Gift Theatre "Lighting designer Scott Pillsbury creates impressive effects and moods with the small space including an emotional lighting storm and perfectly placed moments in which the audience becomes lit." Jason Rost, Chicago Theater Beat.



White People The Gift Theatre "Scott Pillsbury's very clever lighting" Ruth Smerling, Chicago Stage Standard


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